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Council on Aging Minutes 09/03/2008

Minutes of meeting held on September 3, 2008

Meeting opened at 10:15 a.m. by Chairman Bruce Plumley.

PRESENT: COA members:  Harold Hewinson, Lowell Nixon, Olive Nixon, Bruce Plumley, Jack Reed, and Susan Sanders. Others: Senior Center Director: Margaret Crock, Maintenance Manager: Paul Gillis, Kitchen Manager: Don Sanders, Outreach Worker: Deb Tierney, Activities Coordinator: Linda Artruc.

ABSENT:  None.   

Minutes of August 6, 2008 accepted.

Deb addressed the problem of payroll for our Linda Artruc, an administrative problem with the sponsoring agency.  Deb and Bruce are working at getting everything resolved.  Deb has requested a change in office hours as follows: Monday 9-2, Wednesday 9-3, and Thursday 9-3.  She could be flexible if people needed to see her other than at those times. Motion made an approved to change Deb’s hours as requested.  GSSSI Outreach grant is up for renewal next year.  Deb requests we ask for a pay increase for her.  Motion made and approved for Deb to purchase four ink cartridges for her printer, 2 boxes of 9 x 12 manila envelopes, and a box of address labels, for a total of $89.00.  

In August 820 contacts made, 91 seniors served, 324 attended the Senior Center, 128 attended congregate meals, and the balance includes cards & games (102), exercise (40), senior tax work off program (27), intergenerational activity (37), phone calls (80), computers (23), AVADA (4),  COA meeting (13), blood pressure/diabetes/senior living clinic (22), entertainment program (14), newsletter (6).  Donations of chairs: 8 from Deb Lyons and 8 from Betty Berniche, Margaret’s daughter.

SENIOR TAX ABATEMENT PROGRAM: Margaret Crock and Harold Hewinson.
Year to date, $1,568.00 has been charged to the Senior Center.

FINANCIAL: Susan Sanders, Treasurer  
Receipts in June were: GSSSI $583.33. Expenditures in June were: Telephone $60.64, M. Crock salary $652.00, Deb Tierney wages $545.20, electric $292.00, trash pickup $28.99, lawn care $120.75, exercise classes $60.00, brochures $14.00, newsletter printing 89.60, strip and wax floors $300.00, managers’ wages $605.00.

PROGRAM COMMITTEE: Margaret Crock, Deb Tierney, Olive Nixon, Linda Artruc.
Regular programs: Monday 10:30 a.m. and 1:00 p.m. Mah Jong; Tuesday 11:00 a.m. craft class.  Wednesday 10:00 a.m. exercise class, 11:15 a.m. blood pressure clinic, Thursday 12:30 p.m. cribbage.  Other activities include card games and scrabble.  Our craft program conducted by Hazel Miedzinski has about 22 hats and mittens ready for the November Holland Elementary School lunch.  The garden is doing well.  Upcoming programs include Big E trip on 9/16 from 9:00 to 5:00.  Cost for the Big E is $10. per person.  Contact Linda Artruc.  Lisi Coin will give a presentation on coin collecting on September 29 at 1:00 p.m. including history, appraisals and a prize.  AVADA will be here on October 1 from 1:00-3:00 p.m. for hearing tests and hearing aid cleaning.  An English Tea Party will be held on October 15 from 1:00 to 3:00 p.m.  • Lunches served every Monday as well as the 2nd and 4th Wednesdays.  We are in need of a DVD/VHS combo for the crafts room.   People have been eating at the computers and the keyboards are very dirty.  Linda will post a “no food” sign on the computers.

Paul reports no problems with the facility.  He requested approval for $300.-400. for some new electrical outlets on the wall where buffets are set up, to avoid overloading circuits.  This was tabled until October.  Request made for $100. for fertilizer for trees/plants.  Motion made and approved.  Paul reports he has requested $200. for flower bulbs from Friends of Holland Seniors.  He has begun the grant process for monies from Norcross Wildlife for a patio pergola and structures for outdoor activities such as bocce and horseshoes.  Paul would like to re-stripe the parking places.  Bruce offered the use of the church’s marking machine and we will provide the paint for about $88.00.  

Don reports that everything in the kitchen has been running well.
All of the above reports were accepted by the Council on Aging.

Bruce has drafted a letter to be used when requests are made to use the Senior Center.  There is a tear-off at the bottom for donations, which would be made to the Friends of Holland Seniors and earmarked for our use in order to purchase items we need.  Motion made and approved to proceed with use of the letter for future requests for use of the Senior Center.  Bruce is still working on thank-you letters to those who made our Senior Center possible.  Bruce is communicating with the SPCA (Springfield Partnership for Community Action) to resolve the issue of back pay due to Linda Artruc.
Linda reports that we need new phones at the Center as well as an answering machine or voice mail.  This will be researched and revisited at the October meeting.  Tim Houle from our Fire Department came to request use of the Senior Center on September 28 to conduct a Safety Day from 1:00 to 4:00 p.m. for all age groups.  Bicycle helmets will be available while supplies last.  The Police Department and Selectmen will be involved.  Light refreshments to be served.  Paul Gillis and Don Sanders volunteered their time.  Bruce offered the Church’s help with supplies.  Handouts regarding safety will be available.  Motion made and approved to hold Safety Day on September 28.  An application was received to use the Senior Center on Sunday, November 9, from 10:00 a.m. to 5:00 p.m. for a baby shower.  Motion made and approved.

Meeting adjourned at 12:22 p.m.

Submitted by:  Susan Sanders, Secretary  

Meeting on October 1, 2008                                                                                         
Call to Order at 10:15 a.m.
Approval of minutes of September 3, 2008
Reports, Outreach, Senior Center Director, Program,
Senior Tax Abatement, Finance, Maintenance Report,
Kitchen Report, Old Business, New Business, Correspondence